Mastodon Hillbilly StoryTime: Tool Review - CrackMapExec

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tool Review - CrackMapExec



Marcello Salvati/@byt3bl33d3r


CrackMapExec (CME) is designed to be used as a post-exploitation tool to help facilitate the detection, enumeration, accessing, and further exploitation of data/security of an Active Directory Network.


BSD License

How to Install

On Kali linux it is as simple as
# apt-get install crackmapexec
For other Debian/Ubuntu linux it is as simple as
# apt-get install -y libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev build-essential# pip install crackmapexec
If by chance you feel the need to install from source, the steps are as follows:
# apt-get install -y libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev build-essential# pip install --user pipenv# git clone --recursive cd CrackMapExec && pipenv install# pipenv shell# python install
There are also versions available for Arch Linux and Mac OSX.  For more information please visit the WIKI.

Sample Usage

As with most command line tools, CME provides a useful help screen.

It also provides context help, for example, here is a sample of the help for the "smb" protocol:

For the "smb" protocol, there are a number of different modules that can be used as well:


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